Brave merida young
Brave merida young

brave merida young brave merida young

Just because MacGuffin is shy and fat doesn’t mean he can’t be brave or a romantic interest. Just because Dingwall is a bit of an oddball doesn’t mean he can’t be observant and clever.

brave merida young

Just because MacIntosh is arrogant and a bit of a git doesn’t mean he can’t have heart. After all, if Brave is partly about not judging people by first appearances, then it would be good to explore and challenge audience expectations. They’re far from fully-fleshed out characters, but there’s enough there to build on. Dingwall is surprisingly lucid, even eloquent - despite his vague stares, he has strong views on his situation. MacIntosh may be arrogant, but he also cares deeply for his father and shows signs of great leadership. By the end of the film, like Merida they are revealed to be more than first meets the eye: MacGuffin may be shy, but he’s also empathetic and kind, aware of the unfair situation the suitors and Merida have been forced into. MacIntosh is arrogant, MacGuffin is shy, and Dingwall is …uhm. When we’re first introduced to them, they appear very one dimensional. As Merida grows, her world should expand and a sequel should reflect this, developing relationships with people outside her family.

brave merida young

But I wouldn’t want a sequel to have the same narrow focus. We rarely get mother/daughter stories that are adventurous and fun and genuine. Because if Merida does not make a stand here, she is going to be a doormat for the rest of her life.I think one of the reasons Brave wasn’t so popular with audiences was its narrow focus on two characters: Merida and her mother. Careless, maybe(like nobody ever learned anything from "Macbeth" concerning witches in Scotland) but not selfish. Even worse is how the movie harps on Merida's so-called selfishness. But at the same time, Pixar's DNA commingling with Disney's is taking shape, and it's not entirely pretty, as there are also anachronistic silliness and minor vulgarities here. With the entertaining "Brave," Pixar's winning streak of high quality animation continues. All of whom she promptly embarrasses with her superior bow skills, before getting in an argument with her mother and then running away into the forest where she comes across a witch minding her business. But as a princess, she has certain responsibilities that her younger brothers do not, like presiding over a competition of three suitors for her hand in marriage. In "Brave," Merida would like nothing more than to run around with her bow and arrow all day.

Brave merida young